How ASHA Partners for State Advocacy
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The American Speech-Language Hearing Association's (ASHA) Government Relations and Public Policy department maintains developed networks with representatives from individual states to provide advocacy support at the State level. Each of these networks focus on a different priority issue.
State Education Advocacy Leaders (SEALS) - Lindsay Knobelauch and Keica D. Robinson
The SEALs' network is to enhance and perpetuate the advocacy, leadership, and clinical management skills of school-based ASHA members at the state and local levels to influence administrative and public policy decisions that affect the delivery of speech-language pathology and audiology services in school settings.
State Advocates for Reimbursement (STARs) - Rachael Caruso
The State Advocates for Reimbursement (STARs) are ASHA-member audiologists and speech-language pathologists who advocate locally with legislators, state insurance commissioners, health plans, unions, and employers on matters related to Medicaid and private health plan reimbursement.
StAMP - Jessica Hutchison
ASHA's StAMP enhances and perpetuates the advocacy, leadership, and communication of ASHA members at the state level to influence administrative and public policy decisions that impact the Medicare coverage, reimbursement, and delivery of speech-language pathology services and audiology services.